Unmask Your Subconscious

Visibility Blocks

Workshop Terms & Conditions

By watching, listening to or participating in any part of the 'Unmask Your 3 Biggest Subconscious Blocks to Vibrant Visibility & Success Workshop' you fully understand and agree:

  • To take full responsibility, and release Barbara Scalera from any liability or claims that could be made against her, concerning your physical and mental wellbeing while listening, watching, reading, thinking about or participating in any part of this workshop, or in the aftermath to listening to, watching, reading, thinking about or participating in any part of this workshop. 

  • That this workshop contains a guided visualization and regression so if you have any possible or known physical or mental health conditions you should get permission from your Doctor before listening to the guided visualization section of this workshop.

  • NOT to listen to the guided visualization part of this workshop while driving or doing anything that requires your full or alert attention. 

  • That Barbara Scalera is not a medical or mental health practitioner and that no part of this workshop is a substitution for any physical or mental health treatment. If you feel physically or mentally unwell you should contact your Doctor immediately regardless of whether you are participating in this workshop.

  • That part of the guided visualization in this workshop requires you to briefly look back on potentially upsetting memories and imagined scenarios from your childhood. If you have severe trauma or abuse in your childhood it is recommended that you do these exercises with a qualified therapist rather than on your own, unless you have already done significant psychological work on your past with a professional. It is your responsibility to keep yourself mentally and physically safe while reviewing your past, and you should be confident you can now look back and keep yourself mentally and physically safe while doing so.  You may still participate in the workshop but when Barbara indicates you should mute the sound for the regression and then she will indicate again when you can turn the sound back on for the 'positive' section of the guided visualization, and you will still benefit from the exercise.

  • That you are not authorized in any way to share, sell or duplicate any element of this workshop without express written permission from Barbara Scalera.

  • That you understand that opportunities to purchase  Barbara's course or 1-to-1 packages will be presented at the end of this workshop.  

  • You understand that everyone is different therefore no specific results can or are being guaranteed as a result of participating in this workshop. 

  • That some of the techniques and/or ideas or wording in this workshop may come from Marisa Peer and her RTT Therapy teachings or Margaret Lynch and her Tapping Into Wealth program or other EFT, NLP, Hypnosis, Time Line Therapy, Matrix Reimprinting or Coaching instructors or originators who Barbara has been taught and certified by, including John Grinder, Richard Bandler, Kevin Laye, David Shephard and The Performance Partnership, Paul Cosens and Canary Wharf NLP, Peggy Guglielmino and The Animas Centre for Coaching, Karl Dawson and Sasha Allenby.